Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Stretch With Your Baby - Suggestion 1: Touch Your Toes

With every exercise routine, it is important to stretch! Teaching your child some quick and simple stretches will help create a good habit to help prevent injuries.

The first set of stretches involves touching your toes. Have your child try to follow along with you.

1) Stand up straight with your feet together and your arms at your side. This is the Start Position.

2) Raise your arms straight above your head.

3) Bend forward at your waist as far as you can comfortably go. Keep your legs straight, but do not lock them.

4) Guide your arms down toward your toes as far as they can comfortably reach.

5) Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.

6) Slowly rise back up to the Start Position.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Exercise With Your Baby - Suggestion 15: Bench Press

The standard bench press may or may not work for you, depending on the size of your child...if you have the ability to sit at an incline, that may help:

1) Lay flat on the ground with your legs together. 

2) Lift your baby up and have them lay flat on your chest with your arms underneath their armpits. This is the Start Position. 

3) Slowly lift your baby straight up above your body until your arms are straight up, but not locked. 

4) Slowly bring your baby down towards your body until approximately one-inch away. 

5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 for a total of 10 reps. 

6) Rest for 60 seconds.  

7) Complete 3 sets.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Exercise With Your Baby - Suggestion 14: Seated Twists

If you want to engage your abs during your workout routine, outside of sit ups, you can try some Seated Twists:

1) Sit in a chair that allows you to bend your knees at a 90 degree angle. Keep your legs together.

2) Lift your baby up and have them straddle your lap. This is the Start Position. 

3) Slowly lift your baby up above your lap, with your elbows slightly bent at a 45 degree angle.

4) Twist your upper body to the left and extend your elbows to almost a 90 degree angle. 

5) Lift your baby back up with your elbows at 45 degrees and then twist across your body to the right side.

6) Extend your elbows to almost a 90 degree angle then lift your baby back up with your elbows at 45 degrees and twist back to the Start Position. 

7) Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 for a total of 10 reps. 

8) Rest for 60 seconds.  

9) Complete 3 sets.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Exercise With Your Baby - Suggestion 13: Overhead Press

Another shoulder exercise that is fun and enjoyable for your child is to lift them up above your head so they get an amazing view...and maybe a thrilling ride.

1) Start with your legs shoulder width apart.

2) Place your hands under your baby's arms. As always, preferably under the armpits to get the best grip and balance.

3) Lift your baby up so that their face is in your face and your elbows are completely bent. This is teh Start Position.

4)  Straighten both of your arms all the way up, over your head, while still holding on to your child.

5) Hold for 3 seconds and then slowly relax your arms back down to the Start Position.

6) Lift back up 9 more reps.

7) Rest for 60 seconds and repeat for 2 more sets.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Exercise With Your Baby - Suggestion 12: Dancing

New Baby Carrier - Although the Deuter Kid Comfort II Child Carrier - Titan (Google Affiliate Ad) appeared to be more comfortable for the baby - with a wider seat, we exchanged it for the premium version of the Osprey Poco Plus Child Carrier - Romper Red (Google Affiliate Ad). The comfort for the parent was improved and the impact on the child's comfort was negligible. The carrier was otherwise comparable to the Deuter brand, but the premium Osprey version also has a built in rain / sun shade. 

In addition to using the carrier for walks or hikes, if you have a lite dancing program and your child does not walk or crawl, you can strap them into your carrier as you do some low cardio moves. Alternatively, if your child does crawl or walk, they can try to follow along. 

Check out some of the newer blog posts as we start to add some dance exercises. For now, jump around, do some turns, and flail your arms along to any beat and your child with follow along, and probably laugh, at your awkward new behavior. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Exercise With Your Baby - Suggestion 11: Standing Forward Bend

Improve the strength in your back with a simple Standing Forward Bend:

1) Start with your legs shoulder width apart and slightly bent.

2) Place your hands under your baby's arms. Preferably under the armpits to get the best grip and balance. Lift your baby and hold them to your chest. This is the Starting Position. 

3) Slowly bend forward from the waist until your upper body is as close as possible to a 90 degree angle with your legs. Hold for 3 seconds.

4) Rise back up to Starting Position and repeat 9 more reps.

5) Rest for 60 seconds and repeat for 2 more sets.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Exercise With Your Baby - Suggestion 10: Sit Ups

One of the best ab workouts is related to the simple exercise: Sit Ups

Once again, you use the weight of your baby to increase the resistance on your way up, similar to when you hug a weight against your chest as you do sit ups. 

Sit Ups:

1) Lay down on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the ground. 

2) Place your baby against your chest so that they are lying flat against it. This is the Start Position. 

3) Raise your upper body until your baby's back touches your knees. 

4) Lower yourself back to the Start Position. 

5) Repeat steps 3 & 4 for a total of 10 reps. 

6) Rest for 60 seconds.  

7) Complete 3 sets.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Exercise With Your Baby - Suggestion 9: Hiking

Two New Words: Baby Carrier

As your child grows, you realize that the Baby Bjorn is no longer the right size for your child. The child appears to be uncomfortable and for dads, you'll notice their feet can now reach an undesirable area.

At this point, it's time to move on to a baby carrier. I selected the Deuter Kid Comfort II Child Carrier - Titan (Google Affiliate Ad). The benefit of this baby carrier is the storage space for milk, snacks, diaper kits, and some small toys, if needed. As the baby carrier fits like a backpack, it has extra waist pads to make it more comfortable. It also has a stand so you can set it down without having your child fall over.

As with all carriers, the biggest benefit is that your arms are not tired by having to carry 20+ pounds of weight all day. However, you still get the benefit of 'walking with weights'.

With this new carrier, a great exercise is to go out on a hike.

Whether it be on a trek in a nearby nature park or canyon, or down the road to a neighborhood park, your child will enjoy the view while being perched several feet off the ground. At the same time, you can discover some new trails in the area and point out some flowers and birds to educate your little one.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Exercise With Your Baby - Suggestion 8: Calf Raises

Do you have stairs in your home? If not, do you have a stool?

A quick exercise that you can do with your baby is Calf Raises on a stair or step stool. As you use not only your weight, but the weight of your baby (feel free to add layers of clothing to your baby for more weight), you can complete a quick set in no time!

Calf Raises:

1) Stand straight and face your stairs or step stool.

2) Set your legs shoulder width apart and lift your baby into your arms and against your chest. This is the Start Position. 

3) Step onto the first stair and/or step on the step stool with the balls of both feet so that the rest of your foot has the ability to be raised up and down. 

4) Lower yourself as low as you can go while still maintaining your balance with just the balls of your feet still on the stair / step stool and hold for 3 seconds. 

5) Raise yourself as high as you can go on your tippy toes and hold for 3 seconds.

6) Repeat steps 4 & 5 for a total of 10 reps. 

7) Rest for 60 seconds.  

8) Complete 3 sets.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Exercise With Your Baby - Suggestion 7: Leg Raises

Here's an easy exercise routine that is fun your baby as well!

Seated Leg Raises:

1) Sit in a chair that allows you to bend your knees at a 90 degree angle (or slightly more).

2) Set your legs close together and have your baby stand up against them.

3) Place your hands on your baby's back or shoulders to secure them and have them grab hold of your legs. This is the Start Position.

4) Slowly lift both of your legs straight in front of you so that they are parallel to the floor. 

5) Hold for 3 seconds and then slowly bring them down to your Start Position. 

6) Repeat steps 4 & 5 for a total of 10 reps. 

7) Rest for 60 seconds.  

8) Complete 3 sets.