Thursday, September 27, 2012

Exercise With Your Baby - Suggestion 6: Lunges

With your baby increasing in weight, it's a good idea to strengthen your leg muscles to support your upper body when doing arm exercise routines. 

Lunges are the topic for today's post:

1) Start with your legs shoulder width apart.

2) Place your hands under your baby's armpits and lift them up.

3) While holding your baby out in front of you, take one step forward with your right foot, about three feet ahead of your left foot.This is the "Start Position". 

4) Lower your body straight down so that: a) your right knee is at a 90 degree angle and behind your toes and b) you bend your left knee until it hovers about 1 inch off of the ground. and then return to your st and Let your shoulder be the swivel point as you keep your arms straight and lift your child up - straight out in front of you so that your arms are parallel with the floor.

5) Hold for 3 seconds and then slowly rise back up to your Start Position. 

6) Repeat steps 3 & 4 for a total of 10 reps. 

7) Rest for 60 seconds, switch legs so that your left foot is ahead of your right foot by about three feet. 

8) Complete 3 sets for each leg.

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